The Cecogram is a special postal service for the Blind People. A Cecogram postmark was used on this postcard with the inscription. " Envois pour les Aveugles". However , despite the request for the city´s postmark, it was not applied, and it needs to be resolved.  Additionally, it also circulated through the ordinary postal service.

This cover was dispatched from Chachapoyas , but the postal workers neglected to apply the city´s postmark. Instead , they used a Cecogram Postmark. It circulated via Ordinary Postal Service.

I bought this postcard because it caught my attention. Despite the US sanctions, it reached its intended destination, but it doesn't have a US cancellation. I read about so many sanctions when the war began, but this card traveled without any issues.

I contated the sender and these are her words: Hello! Mail goes from Russia to the USA, but as far as I know, there is no mail from the USA to Russia. Therefore, I sent postcards to the USA without any problems, and they all reached the addressees. 

This Letter was sent out to Juliaca on January 14th during the protests in Puno. It was stuck in Lima for a long time due to social issues in Peruvian regions, and there was no clear indication of when it would reach it´s destination. 

After More than 02 months, the letter returned to Trujillo. It went through protests , violence and flooding. It was an interesting experiment but the big problem is that it was not postmarked at it´s destination. It needs to be figured out.